This post was written by Margie Dougherty, Creative Women of the World (CWOW) Storyteller (you may recognize her as the smiling face that greets you on Mondays). She visited Kenya 2017 and provided these photos for the post.
CWOW has relationships with a number of women-driven organizations throughout the world; one of my favorites is Grain of Rice Project (GORP). This organization was founded by an American woman who hires people living in Kibera, the largest slum on the African continent, located in Nairobi, Kenya.

I had the opportunity to go to Kenya and visited Kibera. Our guide was a young man who grew up in the slum and now provides assistance to orphaned children living there.

As we walked, we saw a large area that was downhill from where we were standing. It was a “slum within the slum.” It was street after street of metal shacks leaned up against each other. The houses were built on the dirt ground. Our guide said there may be a family of parents and numerous children living in each lean-to, sleeping on the ground.

I asked what happens during the rainy season. His response was “they sleep in the mud.” I was shocked! Life isn't easy in Kibera, but people and organizations are working everyday to improve conditions.
One grain of rice could tip the scale and be the difference between victory and defeat. --GORP
GORP benefits women living in the slum by giving them regular employment making jewelry, home products, and decorative items that are sold in the United States. What an awesome mission! When you buy a GORP product from CWOW, you are giving back to the organization, so they can continue employment to these women.
Shop online or visit the CWOW retail store at 125 W. Wayne Street in Fort Wayne, IN, to buy GORP products and support their mission.
If you're in Fort Wayne, we are holding a fundraiser for GORP in honor of our 10th birthday. On July 17th, join us in-store for a necklace make-and-take. Using paper beads made by GORP artists, you can make your own necklace and support the mission of this great organization.